The Department of Education has processed all FAFSA submissions.
Ozarks is actively releasing new student financial aid offers.
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Need-Based Scholarships

Need-Based Scholarships


At University of the Ozarks, we’re all about making education accessible to everyone. Our mission revolves around providing a diverse group of students with the opportunity to learn and grow. That’s why we dedicate resources to need-based financial aid. These scholarships aren’t about acing exams or collecting trophies; they’re about helping out students who could use some support covering the costs of their education. To figure out who needs it most, we look at your financial situation and your family’s circumstances.


The amount you get through need-based scholarships depends on how much financial support you need. If you’re facing higher financial hurdles, we’re here to give you a bit more to help to bridge the gap between what you can pay and the total cost of your education.


To qualify for need-based scholarships, we need to know a bit about your financial world. We’re talking family income, assets, and other money-related details. It’s our way of figuring out how much help you need to make your education dreams a reality. For our domestic students, we get this information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For our international students, we use the Institutional Financial Need Application to gather the needed information.


Upon receiving a need-based scholarship, we’ll ask you to keep us in the loop every year with some updated financial information. And of course, we hope you’ll stay on track for that degree of yours and use those funds wisely. After all, we’re investing in your potential, and we believe in your success!