University of the Ozarks Associate Professor of Psychology Karen Jones’ positive psychology class is hosting a week’s worth of activities geared toward boosting positive feelings and well-being across campus.
Positive Psychology Week, scheduled for April 11-15, will include an opportunity to write letters of gratitude, a “stop and savor” activity to encourage people to slow down and enjoy things, an opportunity to shred negative thoughts, free hugs and several other mindfulness activities.
There will also be a photo booth available every day, complete with props.
Members of the class remarked about how the classroom activities have increased their awareness of their own attitudes toward every day stresses. They hope to bring that same awareness to the rest of campus.
“I love how applicable the concepts found in positive psychology are,” said senior Margie Portera. “Being more mindful, writing letters of gratitude, and savoring can be practiced and improved. It positively affects the lives of the person practicing it, as well as everyone around them. It’s a step in the right direction for society in general.”
Senior psychology major Clayton Rodgers said, “Using positive psychology I have learned so much about how to take simple activities and help myself and others flourish in our lives. In my own research I have found that having a week of positive activities does increase happiness and well-being among college students.”
Sophomore Elias Loria said, “Taking the positive psychology class has helped me understand a complete new world of psychology. I love how this field can be applied to every situation every day in order to improve our well-being. I am really excited for the Positive Psychology Week because I know that there are many students who are going to benefit from the activities that we have planned in order to develop a positive mindset.”
Sophomore Jose Salinas added, “Thanks to the positive psychology class, I think more positively since I have acquired coping skills to better deal with difficult situations. I have learned to value simple things in life that we usually take for granted. I have also learned a lot about my strengths. I am a witness to how positive psychology provides individuals with essential coping skills that will lead them to increase their well-being.”
A full schedule of the week’s events is below. For more information regarding Positive Psychology Week, please contact Elias Loria at elori604@ozarks.edu or Professor Karen Jones at kjones@ozarks.edu.
Topics: Psychology