I understand that driving a University vehicle, rented vehicles, or other vehicles on behalf of the University is a privilege, not a right. The safety of my passengers, pedestrians and others is my highest priority. Accordingly, I agree to obey the following rules, regulations, terms and conditions for driving on University business. Must have a valid driver's license.Complete a Driver's History Form that the Office of Administrative Services will keep on file.Authorize the University to obtain motor vehicle records prior to driving and annually thereafter.Authorize the University to release my driver's license and driving record to a third party.Be 21 years of age to drive a University vehicle.Complete an online van safety course and provide documentation of completion prior to driving a 15 passenger van on University business. University vehicles for authorized business use only.Unauthorized persons are not permitted to drive the vehicle.Seat belts or other available occupant restraints are to be used in accordance with federal and state laws and the vehicle will not be placed in operations unless all occupants are wearing the appropriate restraints. The vehicle occupancy will not exceed the number of seat belts available in the vehicle.University vehicles will be operated in accordance with University regulations and all applicable traffic laws, ordinances and regulations.Any fines or traffic violations associated with use of a University vehicle or privately owned vehicle used on University business is the driver's responsibility. The University will not defend any driver who has operated a University vehicle in violation of traffic laws or fleet rules and regulations.Texting while driving is prohibited. Cell phone use in school or highway work zones is prohibited unless using a hands-free device.Driving under the influence of alcohol, abuse of prescription drugs, or illegal drugs is prohibited.Smoking or use of tobacco products in University owned or rented vehicles is prohibited.Transporting unauthorized passengers or any contraband in any University vehicle is prohibited. Carrying cargo on the roof of University vehicles is prohibited. All baggage and equipment will be kept in the trunk or as far back in the vehicle as possible to prevent them form becoming dangerous projectiles.Driving the vehicle at speeds that are inappropriate for road conditions is prohibited.Driving the vehicle "off road" unless it is appropriate for "off road" use is prohibited.Immediately report any problems making operation of University owned vehicles unsafe to University Maintenance Department.In the event of an accident: Take necessary steps to protect the lives of yourself and others.Immediately report all accidents or traffic violation to the police department where the accident occurred. Comply with police instruction.Do not assume or admit fault. Others will determine liability and negligence after after thorough investigation.Also, report the accident as soon as possible to the University's Office of Administrative Services.Immediately report any changes in license status to Kim Maddox in the Executive Office and accept removal of driving privileges, if applicable.Failure to follow driving rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension of driving privileges, and other discipline up to and including termination.University vehicles should be returned in a clean condition. Failure to return the vehicle in a clean condition will result in a $75.00 fee charged to the driver or department. When operating a personally owned vehicle for business: Your Personal Auto Liability Insurance is the primary payer. You should carry at least the state minimum of 25/50/10 or $ 50,000 Combined Single Limit liability coverage.University of the Ozarks is not responsible for any physical damage to your vehicle. You must carry your own collision and comprehensive coverage.Report your mileage for reimbursement on the appropriate form upon completion of the approved travel. BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, RULES AND REGULATIONS ABOVE. Name (First & Last) Ozarks Email Date: