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Ozarks Theatre to present “Nunsense”

November 27, 2000
By cnp
Posted in Theatre

CLARKSVILLE, Ark. ---University of the Ozarks Theatre will present "Nunsense" at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, Nov. 30, and Friday, Dec. 1, in the Walton Fine Arts Center on campus.

The second production of the academic year for the Ozarks Theatre Department, "Nunsense" is a musical comedy by Dan Goggin. The play centers around The Little Sisters of Hoboken, who operate Mount Saint Helen’s School in Hoboken, New Jersey. One day their cook, Sister Julia, unwittingly serves some tainted vichyssoise and 52 sisters die of botulism. When the Mother Superior realizes she only has money to bury 48 of the sisters, she decides to stage a talent show to raise the money to bury the last four sisters. "Nunsense" is that talent show. The original off-Broadway production of "Nunsense" was described by The New York Times as "a hail of fun and frolic! Wacky and outrageous with a hysterical anything-goes sense of humor."     The production’s stage director is Bruce B. Brown, assistant professor of theatre. Dr. Sharon Gorman, assistant professor of music, is the music director. Dustin Campbell will serve as stage manager and Katari Hawthorne will serve as lighting designer. Brown will oversee costume and scenic design. Assistant stage manager is Erin Thompson, sound board operator is Johnny Waldrop, spot light operators are Doc Harper and Chad Bruce; wardrobe crew is Sacha Fincher and Jennifer Shaw, properties crew is Rachel Pickett; and house manager is Liz Tomlinson.     The cast includes Ginny Myers as Sister Mary Regina, Mother Superior; Mandy Creed is Sister Mary Hubert; Megann McManus is Sister Robert Anne; Elizabeth Okey is Sister Mary Amnesia; and April James is Sister Mary Leo.     General admission is $5. For more information on the production, call 979-1349.
