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University welcomes new employees at opening workshop

August 20, 2015
By cnp
Posted in About

University of the Ozarks held its annual faculty/staff opening workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 19, in the Rogers Conference Center.

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Among the new Ozarks faculty and staff are (seated, from left) Kayla Jackson, student life area coordinator; Pam Terry, director of field experience; Amanda Bohannon, housekeeping; Denice Davis, housekeeping; Andrea Carlile, Student Support Services; Allison Hayes, student life area coordinator; Natalie Dreyer, women’s head soccer coach; Ana Ramos, women’s assistant soccer coach; Tina Moya, assistant athletic director; Erin Smith, assistant softball coach; Flo Lebois, director of international programs; (back row, from left) Dr. Allison Freed, assistant professor of science education; Kaleb Melson, grounds; Jackie Howell, grounds; John Hodge, maintenance; Aaron Gentry, head baseball coach; Cyrus Smith, director of public safety; Jason Schweer, assistant wrestling coach; Chris Montoya, assistant cheerleading/STUNT coach; Scott Eibes, assistant tennis coach; Cullen Dees, head tennis coach; Michael Collins, maintenance; and Roland Rodriguez, head softball coach.

