Clarksville, Ark. --- University of the Ozarks will hold its 6th annual Science Day on Wednesday, November 16. Students from area high schools will get a first-hand look at the sciences and compete for a chance to win an Ozarks scholarship, free books, and other prizes from the campus bookstore.
"Following a welcome by Dr. Niece, our visitors will take a content test which covers Biology, Physiology, and Physics," said Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Sean Coleman. "Then we’ll do the lab demonstrations. Each lasts about half an hour, and we try to make them as hands on as possible."
Students will get to choose three lab demonstrations to attend; choices include Molecular Biology, Botany, Physiology, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science, Sociology, and Psychology.
About 50 student volunteers from the Ozarks Biological Society and Dr. Coleman’s Critical Inquiry class will be assisting in the event.
Dr. Coleman said awards would be given to the top three winners in each of the three disciplines - Chemistry, Biology, and Physics - as well as an award for the school with the highest average score. "They receive a trophy for that," said Dr. Coleman. Winners of the three content tests will receive Ozarks merchandise and textbooks. And for one winner, someone who plans to attend Ozarks and major in Biology, there’s the T.L. Smith Scholarship for the top senior in that category.
"Chris Jones from Clarksville won that scholarship last year, and he’s a freshman on campus now," Dr. Coleman said. "We’ve had a lot of students come to school here as a result of science day."
In the afternoon, there will be an awards ceremony, with Dr. Daniel Taddie, Provost, presenting the winners.
"We are excited about having close to 200 high school students on campus and sharing with them the exciting opportunities Ozarks Sciences offer," said Dr. Coleman. "I hope the students visiting enjoy themselves, learn something, and spread the word about our amazing campus."
If you’d like more information about Ozarks Science day, contact Dr. Sean Coleman at 479-979-1364.
Topics: Community Events