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Twenty U of O students named to 2014-15 Who’s Who

May 5, 2015
By cnp
Posted in Academics

Twenty University of the Ozarks students have been recognized by Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and College for the 2014-15 academic year.

The students were recognized for their grade-point average, merit, leadership and community service.

According to the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges’ website, "This procedure of nomination succeeds in highlighting the individual and diverse service to community and school. These are the students who enhance the positive image of the American students through their contributions to community and school. Because curricular and extracurricular programs at schools vary greatly, each college is assigned a quota of nominees. This quota is carefully calculated to ensure a well-rounded representation of the student body."

Nominations for Who’s Who were made by U of O faculty and staff.

The Ozarks students who were selected included, Bishop Bass of Greenwood, Ark.; Chelsey Becker of Claremore, Okla.; Laura Calderon of Guatemala; Andrew Cummings of Mansfield, Texas; Aaron England of Elkins, Ark.; Mary Eoff of Rogers, Ark.; David Estrada of Costa Rica; Nena Evans of Harrison, Ark.; Daniel Garcia of Clarksville; Abril Lara of Honduras; Jessica Milloway of Knoxville, Ark.; Gerardo Navarrete of El Salvador; Corey Pintado of Scranton, Ark.; Brianny Pupo of Nicaragua; Clayton Rodgers of Fayetteville, Ark.; Fernando Salazar of Mexico; Shawnee Sorenson of Alma, Ark.; Fernando Valenzuela of Panama; Andrea Villafranca of Honduras; and Tyler Volz of Bella Vista, Ark.
