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Students plan art auction to benefit Thanksgiving needy

November 18, 2014
By cnp
Posted in Community Events

University of the Ozarks Professor Dr. Rhonda Shook and her Art on the Edge class will present the Bid & Benefit Art Show and Silent Auction from 5-8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 21, at the KXIO Coffee House in downtown Clarksville.

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Several unique artworks by students in the Art on the Edge class will be available for purchase during the Bid & Benefit Art Show and Silent Auction on Nov. 21.

Proceeds from the event will go to feed underprivileged people in the community this Thanksgiving through the local Interfaith Service Network.

The Art on the Edge class is part of the Ozarks Seminar curriculum and is made up of freshmen students. Each student in the class created a unique art piece for the art show.

"It is the collective wish of the class that proceeds benefit hungry people at Thanksgiving," said Shook, assistant professor of communication. "Peer mentors Chloe Welsh and Justin Trujillo will be monitoring our Facebook page so friends and family who cannot attend in person can participate in the Bid & Benefit via the web. We encourage people to come by the coffee house, see the art, interact with the students, and help us help others, because no one should be hungry at Thanksgiving."
