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Student organizations on display during annual Eagle Exhibit

August 30, 2013
By cnp
Posted in Student Organizations

Every year, many of the University of the Ozarks student organizations come together to showcase their groups and entice their fellow students to become members. This year, however, the Student Life Office decided to make a few changes, which were met with resounding success.

Emma Bottorff, director of campus activities, explained a few of the updates to the annual Eagle Exhibit, which took place Thursday evening, Aug. 29, on the campus mall.

"The first change we made was that we moved the event to dinner time, from 5 to 7 p.m., and Aramark provided dinner picnic-style outside on the mall," she said. "Campus Activities Board sponsored a rock wall during that time to provide a fun activity, and Student Life sponsored a disc jockey, our very own Corey Pintado. We also gave out six prizes through the night. It was loads of fun."

Despite taking place outdoors in the middle of a late summer heat wave, the Eagle Exhibit featured 33 student clubs and organizations providing information about their missions and involvement on campus to new and current students.

"I know it was a hot day for an outside event, but it was exciting to see more than 30 student groups showing passion for their interests and for the University and students with a thirst for information," Bottorff said.

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The Methodist Campus Ministries was one of the more than 30 student organizations that had a booth at the Eagle Exhibit to showcase their group.
