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SAAC event benefits local crisis center

February 13, 2013
By cnp
Posted in Community Service

University of the Ozarks students and officials recently presented a check for $636.89 to the Interfaith Service Network of Clarksville.

The funds were raised during a campus-wide competition sponsored by the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the Student Life Office. The campus community donated money during voting for the 2013 faculty/staff king and queen for Homecoming 2013. University President Dr. Rick Niece and First Lady Sherée Niece were voted faculty/staff king and queen for 2013.

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Those present during the check ceremony included, (from left) SAAC advisor and head tennis coach Shaun Wiseman, Interfaith volunteer Char Wofford, Dr. Rick Niece, student-athletes Molly Bowman and Jordana Andrews, Sherée Niece, and student-athletes Ali Mathis, Max Hilgendorf, Arel Ferguson, Kara Willbanks and Scott Eibes.

Interfaith is a non-denominational food and medicine crisis bank that is associated with more than 20 area churches. The center is located at First Presbyterian Church in Clarksville.
