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Pierson describes summer internship with U.S. Department of Labor

November 2, 2011
By cnp
Posted in Political Science

In the summer before his junior year, Brandon Pierson could have returned to his hometown of Allen, Texas, to hang out with his friends and family. However, Brandon was one of 60 college students chosen for an internship with the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington D.C.

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Junior political science and psychology major Brandon Pierson successfully completed a summer internship with the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C.

“I had the opportunity to work in the Human Resources Department,” says Brandon. “Once a week I met with representatives of Verizon Wireless, serving as a middle man for government agencies prepping notes for meetings and conference calls.”

With 1,300 applicants applying for the same position, Brandon credits former Ozarks student Aaron Coats (’02) for helping him through the application process. “Aaron had the same internship when he was a student at Ozarks,” says Brandon. “He was able to give me a little insight on the process.”

Brandon, who is currently pursuing a double major in political science and psychology at Ozarks, said that the application committee was very interested in the international relations and public policy classes he studied while at Ozarks. “Aaron helped me with my resume,” says Brandon. “This was one of the main things the committee was focusing on because they are always changing policy.”

The internship was very involved and properly structured. “I thought when I first got there that I was going to be put in a cubicle in the back,” says Brandon. “But they had a curriculum which allowed me to see speakers and be able to experience many different opportunities.” Brandon stayed at George Washington University, just two miles away from the White House. “I was able to take a tour of the West Wing of the White House and a Congressional House tour as well,” says Brandon.