Clarksville, Ark. -- University of the Ozarks Beta Sigma Kappa members took home 17 first-place awards and numerous other top-five finishes in the 2007 Arkansas Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference, held recently in Hot Springs.

More than 60 BSK members representing U of O earned 57 awards at the PBL State Conference. The first-place winners for U of O included, Siew Moon Eng (Accounting Principles); Amy Wonaphotimuke (Computer Applications); Judith Lopez (Economic Analysis and Decision Making); Kristin Vines (Future Business Executive); Jana Rossmaier (Information Management); Jorge Avila (International Business); Shandy Russell (Management Analysis and Decision Making); Joe Southwell (Marketing Analysis and Decision Making); Evelyn Chin (Statistical Anaylsis ); Rushawn Engleton, David Rivas and Gabriel Ramirez (Business Decision Making ); Daniel Chavarria, Luis Medrano and Martha Vasquez (Business Ethics); Stacy Counts, Shandy Russell and Geral Vasquez (Management Concepts); Jorge Avila, Daniela Bermudez, Stacy Counts, Raquel Daboub and Jana Rossmaier (Parliamentary Procedure); Lynda McCollum, Shandy Russell and Kristin Vines (American Enterprise Project); Kari Wood (Community Service Project); Jana Rossmaier (Local Chapter Business Report) and U of O (Largest Local Chapter).
U of O members won 11 second-place awards and six third ?place awards. The Ozarks team also took home the Arkansas PBL Sweepstakes Award and the Arkansas Gold Chapter Award. In addition, Ozarks students Buddy Faulkner and Jerry Gamez were named to the Who’s Who in Arkansas PBL.
"I am extremely proud of all of our students and the efforts they gave to enhance the academic reputation of our institution," said Dr. Robert Hilton, the sponsor of the university’s chapter.
Topics: Student Organizations