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Ozarks to hold stem cell research forum

August 25, 2005
By cnp
Posted in Biology

Clarksville, Ark. ---University of the Ozarks will present a forum entitled "Ethical Perspectives on Stem Cell Research" at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7, in the Walton Fine Arts Center on the U of O campus.

The featured speaker at the forum will be Dr. Chris Hackler, a nationally recognized medical ethicist. Hackler, who earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of North Carolina, has published numerous essays and books in the area of medical ethics, including the issue of advance directives and refusal of treatment, as well as issues surrounding the prolonging of the human life span. His presentation at Ozarks is tentatively entitled, “Dividing Stem Cells and Multiplying Clones: A Strange New Math?” Also participating in the forum are Dr. Sean Coleman, assistant professor of biology at Ozarks, and Fr. Mark Stengel, O.S.B., who teaches courses in religion at Subiaco Academy. The community is invited to attend the forum and there is no charge for admission. The event is sponsored by the U of O Student Life Office and the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts.
