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Ozarks Tennis Puts Up Promising Results in ASC Tournament

September 18, 2012
By cnp
Posted in Athletics

Clarksville, Ark.-It is tennis time again in the American Southwest Conference as the annual ASC tournament took place over the weekend.

The Lady Eagles and Eagles made the trek down to Tyler, Texas, for the tourney determined to make an early mark on the conference. While the results weren’t exactly what they had hoped for, they certainly made the conference stand up and take notice.

Scott Eibes definitely left an impression on the tournament and his coach with his trip to the final match in his flight. According to head coach Shaun Wiseman, “he played beautifully this weekend and impressed me with some truly remarkable shot making.” Other men that impressed included Bishop Bass, Corey Dillard, and Greg Knaggs, all of whom put forth strong showings. Bass and Todd Turner put together a semifinal run in their doubles flight.

Elly Eibes had a very strong debut for the Lady Eagles, earning a berth in the semifinals in her flight.

“Elly Eibes showed me a lot of fight for a freshman,” said Wiseman. “She has a big future here if she continues to work hard on her game.”

Seniors Chelsea Glasscock and Tara Richards turned strong individual performances into a semifinal trip in their doubles flight.

Overall, the tournament was a wonderful opportunity for Wiseman to gauge where the teams stand.

“It went well,” said Wiseman. “It showed me what we needed to work on. Our results were good but we are definitely not content with where we are at as a team yet.”

Ozarks will be back in action next week with the men in action against Hendrix College September 25 and the women taking on the Lady Warriors September 26.

By Cory Snyder, Student Assistant for Sports Information
