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Ozarks’ Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Participates In ASC Project

February 28, 2011
By cnp
Posted in Athletics

Richardson, Texas-Student-Athlete Advisory Committees from the 15 American Southwest Conference campuses combined to raise a record $11,938.57 for local community organizations in the fifth annual "Make a Change in 14 Days" loose coin collection project.

The University of the Ozarks SAAC group combined with the student life office and collected $725.65 for the Ozark Rape Crisis Center.

Sixteen different organizations received support through the local campus fundraising efforts held from January 25-February 7. Included were the American Cancer Society; Boys and Girls Club of Brownwood; Christus Cabrini Cancer Center in Alexandria; Family of Rex Fleming; Hendrick Children’s Hospital; Juvenile Diabetes; Kerrville YMCA; Kids Against Hunger; Make-A-Wish Foundation; Marshall Boys & Girls Club; Multiple System Atrophy Organization in memory of Eileen Bowman; Ozark Rape Crisis Center; Susan G. Komen for the Cure; Special Olympics of Texas; Sul Ross State Theater; and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children.

In the five years of the conference-wide community service campaign, nearly $40,000 has been raised to benefit 50 different charitable organizations in ASC campus communities. In each of the past four years, the SAAC groups have topped the $8,000 mark.

“In the tough economic climate, the ASC student-athletes embraced the Make a Change in 14 Days challenge and worked at a record-pace to help ensure that persons and agencies in their local areas were supported,” Amy Carlton, ASC commissioner, said. “Pairing athletics and community agencies reflects the Division III value of developing citizenship through community involvement.”

The two-week SAAC event is also designed as a challenge among the ASC member campuses and is scheduled during the turn of the conference division basketball schedule. Schreiner University, Texas Lutheran University, Sul Ross State University and Howard Payne University claimed the 2011 division pool title with a combined collection of $6,075.74, nearly doubling the previous record.

Schreiner University, located in Kerrville, Texas, was the top-collecting ASC institution for the first time, raising $2,805. Schreiner student-athletes helped raised funds for the Kerrville YMCA so that children in the local community can have the opportunity to be involved in sports and use state-of-the-art equipment.

ASC INSITUTION: Local Organization (Funds Raised)
CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY TEXAS: Special Olympics of Texas ($503.98)
EAST TEXAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY: Marshall Boys & Girls Club ($75.00)
HARDIN-SIMMONS UNIVERSITY: Family of Rex Fleming ($725.00)
HOWARD PAYNE UNIVERSITY: Boys and Girls Club of Brownwood ($83.99)
LETOURNEAU UNIVERSITY: Multiple System Atrophy Organization in memory of Eileen Bowman ($540.00)
LOUISIANA COLLEGE: Christus Cabrini Cancer Center in Alexandria ($1,869.71)
UNIVERSITY OF MARY HARDIN-BAYLOR: Kids Against Hunger / Juvenile Diabetes ($312.00)
MCMURRY UNIVERSITY: Hendrick Children’s Hospital ($779.17)
MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE: Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Central Mississippi ($267.00)
UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS: Ozark Rape Crisis Center ($725.65)
SCHREINER UNIVERSITY: Kerrville YMCA ($2,805.00)
SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY: Sul Ross State Theater / American Cancer Society ($854.00)
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS: Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children ($126.56)
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT TYLER: Make-A-Wish Foundation ($62.61)
TEXAS LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY: Susan G. Komen for the Cure in honor of Kathy Starch ($2,332.75)


Schreiner University
Total: $2,805.00 (Kerrville YMCA)

Schreiner University, Texas Lutheran University, Sul Ross State University, Howard Payne University
Combined Total: $6,075.74
Louisiana College, University of the Ozarks, Mississippi College, University of Texas at Dallas
Combined Total: $2,865.07
McMurry University, Concordia University Texas, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Hardin-Simmons University
Combined Total: $2,320.15
University of Texas at Tyler, East Texas Baptist University, LeTourneau University
Combined Total: $677.61

