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Ozarks names Weaver as dean of students

July 7, 2014
By cnp
Posted in About

Steven Weaver has been named the new dean of students at University of the Ozarks, it was announced Monday by University officials. Weaver most recently served as director of residential life and housing at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wis.

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Steven Weaver was recently named the new dean of students at Ozarks.

Weaver will begin his duties at Ozarks on Monday, Aug. 3. He will oversee all areas of students life, including residential life, campus organizations and activities, student development programming, and student conduct.

"I am delighted to welcome Steven Weaver as a member of our Ozarks community and as our new dean of students," said Ozarks Provost Dr. Travis Feezell. "He is a practiced student affairs professional who will be tremendous in developing and assisting our students. He has a terrific background in so many facets of student affairs and will be a leader as we enhance our efforts and programming in that area. He especially understands the important and unique role of student affairs in private and residential higher education. I have no doubt that he will shape our community in the years to come."

Weaver earned his undergraduate degree in human services from Millikin University in Decatur, Ill., and a master’s degree counseling and student personnel from Minnesota State University. He has worked in higher education student affairs for 18 years, including the past six years at Carroll University, where he managed the areas of residential life, housing and student conduct.  

"I am very excited to serve the University of the Ozarks community as the dean of students," Weaver said. "During my time visiting the campus, I was impressed by the community’s emphasis on being student-centered, innovative, collaborative, and committed to the holistic development of our students.  I was drawn to University of the Ozarks to be a part of this incredibly exciting time for the Ozarks community as we welcome Provost Feezell and move towards realizing President Richard Dunsworth’s vision for the University.  I am honored by the call to lead the Student Life Office and to work with the outstanding student life staff to create a co-curricular environment on campus in which all of our students can find support and a sense of belonging as they move along their path of persistence to graduation.  I am looking forward to arriving on campus to join an excellent peer group of educators and to meet and engage with our outstanding students.  I am proud to be an Eagle."

Before arriving at Carroll University, Weaver worked in student life departments at the University of Colorado at Boulder (2000-2008), Minnesota State University (1999-2000) and South Dakota State University (1996-1998).

Weaver and his wife, Jodi, have two children, Morgan, 9, and Lauren, 6.
