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Ozarks Career Services opens “Professional Clothes Closet”

October 19, 2009
By cnp
Posted in Career Services

Clarksville, Ark. --- First impressions are lasting impressions, and when you are interviewing for a job, everything counts.

That is why Career Services has begun a program this semester directed by Career Services Coordinator Kimberly Spicer, a professional clothes closet for students who need help with professional attire for upcoming job interviews. Career Services spent last semester gathering clothing and establishing a database of what is available, in what sizes.

“The idea came when I started seeing students who lacked the appropriate attire for interviews,” says Spicer, “and from talking with students who couldn’t spend $200 or $300 on clothing. We started collecting last year. We appealed to people on campus and got a great response. Then Larry Isch did a great article in Today Magazine and we got all kinds of response from alumni and the community. We haven’t had to publicize it beyond that.”

Participation is simple. Students who need the service simply go to the Student Services Center downstairs in Robson Library and fill out an application giving their clothing sizes. Applicants are also asked to either watch a video on interview preparation or schedule a meeting to discuss their interview skills.

Spicer emphasizes that the clothing items are not loaners, although participants may return them if they wish.

“We have three or four times more women’s clothing than men’s, so we could always use more of those,” she says. “We can’t guarantee we’ll have something that will fit everybody, but we do the best we can!”

To contact the professional clothes closet, call (479) 979-1320.