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Ozarks, author to present writing workshop for teachers

February 7, 2005
By cnp
Posted in Community Events

Clarksville, Ark. --- The University of the Ozarks' Community Education Program and retired author and teacher Anna Myers will present a book writing workshop designed for teachers from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 5, in the Walton Fine Arts Center on the Ozarks campus.

The workshop, titled “Writing the Book in the Teacher’s Heart,” is a fun, fast-paced event that will look at such topics as: finding your “voice,” creating memorable characters, triumphing over writer’s block, marketing your work, finding an agent, dealing with publishers, and how to fit writing into the busy life of a teacher. Myers is the author of 14 award-winning novels for young adults and is also a 25-year veteran of the classroom. “Teachers are a special breed, united by their passion for education, their creative energy, their dedication and their determination.” Myers said. “Many are also united by a single aspiration --- to be a writer. Whether you’re interested in writing for children, teens or adults, this workshop will offer practical advice and tips to help get you started.” Following the workshop, there will be an informal luncheon where you will have a chance to talk more personally about your writing and story ideas. The cost of the workshop is $25. There is an additional $15 fee for the luncheon. For more information on the workshop, please call the university at 479-979-1346. For more information on Myers, please visit her Web site at
