Several new employees were introduced during the University of the Ozarks? Faculty/Staff Opening Workshop for the 2012-2013 academic year. The event was held Thursday morning in the Rogers Conference Center.
New faculty and staff introduced at Opening Workshop
Among the new employees (seated, from left) are Dr. John C. Dailey, assistant professor of radio-television-video; Stormy Davis, housekeeping; Joyce McGuire, housekeeping; Kursty Boydston, development officer; Brittany Bergeron, residence hall director; Betty R. Stockton, coordinator of Autism Spectrum Disorder Services; Sarah Anglin, mailroom assistant; (back row, from left) Shawn Newton, maintenance; Justin Yancey, grounds; Samantha Hoing, admission counselor; Aaron Bergeron, theatre assistant and manager of the Walton Arts & Ideas Series; Jeff Massanelli, residence hall director; and Emma Bottorff, director of campus activities.
Not pictured are Jared McGee, associate program coordinator for the Academic Center of Excellence; Karli Kenley, assistant women’s basketball coach; and Sarah Kent, catalog librarian.
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