Clarksville, Ark.- The men's cross country team ran in the Ted Lloyd Bison Stampede hosted by Harding University in Searcy Saturday.
Ozarks finished sixth among the seven teams that participated. David James was 11th overall in the men’s 8K running a 27:49.54. Harding’s Daniel Kirwa won the race with a time of 26:24.17.
Ozarks will now prepare for the American Southwest Conference championships in Clinton, Mississippi, October 31.
Men’s Results
1 Kirwa, Daniel, Harding University - 26:24.17 1
1 James, Cheruiyot, Unattached - 26:24.17
3 Ghioca, Gabriel, Henderson State - 26:24.41 2
4 Kopec, Wojciech, Harding University - 26:53.88 3
5 McAdams, Brett, Christian Brothe - 27:10.30 4
6 Chapman, Jacob, Memphis - 27:11.65 5
7 Kellum, Drew, Hendrix College - 27:14.82 6
8 Busienei, Manase, Harding University - 27:22.17 7
9 Spears, Nate, Christian Brothe - 27:29.36 8
10 Ekdahl, Jorgen, Memphis - 27:35.07 9
11 James, David, Ozarks - 27:49.54 10
12 Ramirez, Andres, Hendrix College - 27:54.54 11
13 Group, Max, Christian Brothe - 28:05.30 12
14 Kutter, Justin, Harding University - 28:08.81 13
15 Kipkorir, Edwin, Memphis - 28:15.11 14
16 Puckett, Nathan, Harding University - 28:22.59 15
17 Johnson, Ryan, Harding University - 28:25.34 16
18 Hammonds, Rex, Christian Brothe - 28:31.68 17
19 Palmer, Beau, Lyon College - 28:46.95
20 Jackson, Reese, Harding University - 28:50.90 18
21 Coneo, Joe, Memphis - 28:53.43 19
22 Shipp, Alex, Christian Brothe - 29:07.13 20
23 Mays, Caleb, Henderson State - 29:12.67 21
24 Chinchilla, David, Hendrix College - 29:17.48 22
25 Bolling, Frank, Harding University - 29:23.28
26 Whitaker, Jimmy, Christian Brothe - 29:31.35 23
27 Smith, Kyle, Christian Brothe - 29:32.49 24
28 Gibbs, Curtis, Memphis - 29:41.51 25
29 Dyer, John, Hendrix College - 29:45.35 26
30 Kidd, Jake, Harding University - 29:49.46
31 Newman, Alex, Christian Brothe - 29:57.62
32 Haynes, Winn, Hendrix College - 29:59.89 27
33 Haynie, Wes, Hendrix College - 30:00.63 28
34 Hotz, Alden, Henderson State - 30:18.42 29
35 Provence, Jeremy, Ozarks - 30:28.42 30
36 Wilson, Eric, Harding University - 30:30.01
37 Cothren, Micah, Hendrix College - 31:15.00 31
38 Arboleda, Juan, Memphis - 31:50.43 32
39 Saul, James, Henderson State - 32:22.54 33
40 Cook, Spencer, Christian Brothe - 32:30.16
41 Durham, Justin, Harding University - 32:43.43
42 Coffman, Scott, Henderson State - 33:09.51 34
43 Ueunten, Trent, Ozarks - 33:36.83 35
44 Doty, Zach, Ozarks - 34:05.76 36
45 Thompson, Adam, Ozarks - 34:28.38 37
46 Jones, George, Christian Brothe - 34:45.83
47 Jorgensen, Josh, Henderson State - 35:11.99 38
48 Abe, Yantzu, Lyon College - 36:31.85
49 Worthner, Jacob, Henderson State - 36:35.50 39
50 Caldwell, Craig, Arkansas-Montice - 37:39.50 40
51 Vore, Jacob, Lyon College - 37:42.63
52 Jacks, Taylor, Ozarks - 38:05.10 41
53 Crochet, Lanc, Arkansas-Montice - 39:13.25 42
54 Harper, Drew, Arkansas-Montice - 39:46.63 43
55 Woods, Bradley, Arkansas-Montice - 42:03.56 44
56 Sanders, Noah, Arkansas-Montice - 42:31.76 45
57 Diffe, Micheal, Arkansas-Montice - 44:55.53 46
58 Kidd, Michael, Ozarks - 45:05.91 47
Team Scores
1 Harding University
Total Time: 2:17:11.62
Average: 27:26.33
2 Christian Brothers University
Total Time: 2:20:23.78
Average: 28:04.76
3 University of Memphis
Total Time: 2:21:36.78
Average: 28:19.36
4 Hendrix College
Total Time: 2:24:12.08
Average: 28:50.42
5 Henderson State University
Total Time: 2:31:27.55
Average: 30:17.51
6 University of the Ozarks
Total Time: 2:40:28.93
Average: 32:05.79
7 University of Arkansas-Monticello
Total Time: 3:21:14.70
Average: 40:14.94
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