University of the Ozarks will present its annual Service of Lessons and Carols at 6 p.m., Friday, Dec. 12, in Munger-Wilson Memorial Chapel.
The time-honored Christmas tradition will feature music by the University’s Chapel Choir as well as the University Chamber Singers, both under the direction of Dr. Sharon Gorman, Walton Professor of Music. The event will also include scripture readings by members of the University community. Ozarks Chaplain Rev. Elizabeth Gabbard will lead the service.
Among the Christmas songs the Chamber Singers will perform include, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence," "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus," and "Noel Peace Canon." The choir will also lead the congregation in singing such traditional favorites as, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," "What Child is This?" and "Angels We Have Heard on High." The service will conclude with the traditional lighting of the candles as the congregation sings, "Silent Night."
There is no charge to attend the service, and the community is encouraged to attend.
Topics: Community Events