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Kappa Delta Pi inducts new members

December 2, 2010
By cnp
Posted in Academics

Clarksville, Ark. --- The University of the Ozarks' Pat Walker Teacher Education Program held an induction ceremony for its newest Kappa Delta Pi chapter members on Thursday, Dec. 2, in Walker Hall.

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education that was founded in 1911. Its membership is limited to the top 20 percent of those entering the field of education. Kappa Delta Pi claims more than 600 chapters across North America and more than 45,000 total members. Its motto is “Knowledge, Duty, Power,” and its mission is to sustain an honored community of diverse educators by promoting excellence and advancing scholarship, leadership and service.

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Among the new and current members who took part in the ceremony were (front row, from left) Lakaen Maddox, Kayla Brown, Mei Chew, Jennifer Fretwell, Shernice Gibbs, (second row, from left) Steffi Teo, Treena Burnett, Belinda Birrer (president), Natalie Grove, Lara Maddox, (back row, from left) Assistant Professor of Education Shelli Henehan (sponsor), Crystal Lowery (secretary/treasurer), Meiko Warren, Elodie Adams, Shayla Morrow, Tadera Garland, Laura Duffey, Candice Patterson (outgoing president), and Director of Field Experiences Janie Chappell (sponsor).
