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JLC staff, students receive training in new text-to-speech technology

January 25, 2016
By cnp
Posted in JLC

The entire Jones Learning Center staff as well as six JLC students were trained recently in new text-to-speech software programs.

The group was trained on how to use Claroread 7 and Read & Write Gold 11, two text-to-speech software programs that will now be available for all staff and students in the JLC to download onto their personal computers.  The training was presented by technology specialists from AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Resource Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology

"The sessions on each of these programs were hands-on, as attendees learned all of the features that each program has to offer by downloading and trying out the software on their computers," said JLC Director Julia Frost. "They now will work to determine which program and features will best meet the needs of each student.  They also explored apps that have been developed to help with a variety of academic and organizational issues.  The students who attended will not only use much of the assistive technology themselves, but will also serve as technology mentors in the JLC, encouraging other students to use the software and showing them how they use it to help themselves to be successful."
