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Health care pundit to speak at Ozarks on Nov. 18

November 11, 2015
By cnp
Posted in Community Events

The University of the Ozarks Political Science department will present national health care and medical policy expert Paul Howard for a guest lecture at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 18, in the Boreham Business Building on the U of O campus.

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Health care and medical policy expert Paul Howard will give a lecture at Ozarks on Nov. 18.

Howard, a Manhattan Institute senior fellow, will address the basic challenges facing America’s healthcare system and how the recent healthcare reform law attempts to address those problems. He will also discuss the ways reform may have succeeded or failed to redress the challenges endemic to today’s health policy.

Howard was part of a health policy advisory group for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, and he has testified before Congress twice. He is a prolific writer and his works include a May 2015 book entitled, New York’s Next Health Care Revolution, as well as numerous articles in national publications, including Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Investors Business Dailey, and the New York Post. The Manhattan Institute is a public policy think-tank located in New York City.

The lecture, held in the Baldor Auditorium of the Boreham Business Building, is free and open to the public. For more information about Howard’s visit, contact Mark Scully, assistant professor of political science, at
