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First Lady selected to Presbytery leadership position

November 3, 2011
By cnp
Posted in Presbyterian

Clarksville, Ark. --- University of the Ozarks First Lady Sher?e Niece has been selected by the Presbytery of Arkansas to serve as vice moderator, beginning February 2012. She will then become moderator in 2013 and moderator of General Council in 2014.

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Sherée Niece has been selected by the Presbytery of Arkansas to serve as vice moderator, beginning February 2012. She will then become moderator in 2013 and moderator of General Council in 2014.

The selection came during the October meeting of the Presbytery, which is the council serving as a corporate expression of the church within a certain geographic district and is composed of all the congregations and teaching elders within that district.

Sherée, who is currently serving as a member of General Council, is going to Louisville later this month for training.

"I am honored to be selected for this leadership position within the Presbytery of Arkansas," she said. "This is an exciting time to be involved due to the new form of government. We have an opportunity to be more creative as we work together to fulfill the mission of our church."

According to bylaws, the moderator and vice moderator are elected for one year at the last Stated Meeting of the Presbytery during the previous year, and both shall be installed at the first Stated Meeting of Presbytery during the following year. The vice moderator normally will succeed to the office of moderator. Their duties are those provided in the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) and those recommended by the Committee on Administration, adopted by the Presbytery and attached to the Manual of Operations. The moderator possesses the authority necessary for preserving order and for conducting efficiently the business of the governing body. He or she shall convene and adjourn the governing body in accordance with its own action.

Sherée also serves as the University’s director of campus and community relations.
