Clarksville, Ark.-University of the Ozarks head men?s basketball coach David Ferrell will hold a boy?s basketball camp November 9 in Mabee Gymnasium.
The camp will be held for those in grades third through sixth. The first session will run from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and the second session will run from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. The camp will include fundamental drills, games and shooting contests.
Campers may choose to attend either or both sessions. The cost for one session is $35. Both sessions will cost $60. Each camper will receive a tee-shirt and free tickets to U of O’ game against Baptist Bible College November 16.
Ferrell, his assistants and members of the U of O men’s basketball team will provide instruction at the camp.
To register, contact David Ferrell at 479-530-1495.
Print form and bring day of the camp:
PLACE: University of the Ozarks
DATE: November 9, 2013
WHO CAN ATTEND: Boys Grades 3-6
SESSIONS: 9 am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm
COST $35 Per session or $60 to attend both sessions
- Instruction from U of O Coaches and players
- U of O basketball t-shirt
- Tickets to Nov 16 game against Baptist Bible College
Players will work on fundamentals, shooting form, learn 1on1 and 3on3 play, numerous shooting contests.
Head Coach David Ferrell and Assistant Coaches Dillon Buchanan and Dylan Ballard and University of the Ozarks basketball players invite you to attend a day of fun basketball with U of O players!
Camper Name __________________________________
Parent Name ___________________________________
Parent Cell _____________________________________
Grade ___
School ________________________________________
Session 9 am - 12 pm __ Session 1 pm – 4 pm __ Both __
Amount Enclosed $35 __ $60 for both sessions __
Note: I understand that I am to provide my own insurance and that neither The University of the Ozarks nor the Camp Staff is responsible for accidents or injury to my child. I also give my permission for my child to be treated in the event of an emergency situation.
Parent Signature__________________________________________ Date____________________
Topics: Athletics