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Dr. Anna Zajicek to discuss graduate studies in sociology

February 24, 2012
By cnp
Posted in Sociology

Clarksville, Ark. --- Dr. Anna Zajicek, Director of Graduate Studies at the Sociology and Criminal Justice department at University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, will be on campus on Monday, February 27, to meet with students interested in pursuing graduate studies in sociology at U of A.

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Dr. Anna Zajicek will be on campus on Monday, February 27, to speak to students about graduate studies in sociology at U of A.

During the meeting, Zajicek will discuss the work being done in the U of A sociology program, and will give students an overview of the master of arts degree program along with the department’s new concentration in criminal justice. She will also explain the process for applying to the sociology program, and will review the options for graduate study.

Zajicek will also give students insight into research opportunities available through the sociology program, including research projects conducted in conjunction with the university’s Community and Family Institute (CFI) and The Terrorism Research Center. The Community and Family Institute was created in 1997, and focuses its research efforts on community and family issues or problems. The Terrorism Research Center was created in 2003, in an effort to better understand issues involved with terrorism, extremist violence, and the effectiveness of intervention strategies. The TRC is home to this countries longest running research project, the American Terrorism Study.

According to Dr. Jesse Weiss, Ozarks associate professor of sociology and environmental studies, the meeting will take place at 12 noon, on Monday, February 27 in room 127 of the Smith-Broyles Science Center, with refreshments available. All students who are interested in learning more about the sociology program at U of A are encouraged to attend.
