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Carroll to speak about renewable energy production from landfill wastes

February 28, 2012
By cnp
Posted in Community Events

Clarksville, Ark. --- Robert Carroll, co-founder of Renovar Energy Corporation, will give a presentation about harnessing landfill gas as a renewable source of energy.

Robert Carroll, co-founder of Renovar Energy." src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22' data-src=

Robert Carroll, co-founder of Renovar Energy Corporation, will be on campus on March 2 to talk about renewable energy from landfill gas.

The presentation, entitled "Landfill Gas to Energy: The Renewable Energy Option," is being hosted by the university’s Planet Club. It will take place on Friday, March 2, at 1 p.m. in the Baldor Auditorium of the Boreham Business Building.

What are landfill gases? As the solid wastes in a municipal landfill decompose, the microorganisms give off gases, primarily methane and carbon dioxide. At most landfills, these gases have traditionally been viewed by as a nuisance because of the odor and the impact on air quality - they are often just burned off, or "flared." In his presentation, Carroll will talk about different ways that these landfill gases can be captured and used to replace traditional fossil fuels. The processed landfill gases can then be used to drive turbines that generate electricity, as fuel for large commercial applications such as kilns or boilers, or even sent through pipelines in the same way natural gas is currently transported.

Renovar Energy Corporation was founded in 1996 for the purpose of developing renewable energy sources as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The company has focused specifically on developing projects that harness landfill gas and currently has several projects in various stages of development across the south central United States.

The presentation is free and open to the public.
