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Business major Mayra Hoch chosen for national PBL council

October 21, 2010
By cnp
Posted in Student Organizations

Clarksville, Ark. --- Mayra Hoch, a senior Accounting and Management/Administration double major from Honduras, has been selected as one of two students to represent Arkansas on the Southern Region Action Council of the national Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) organization.

Mayra Hoch has been selected to serve on the FBLA-PBL Southern Region Action Council." src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22' data-src=

Mayra Hoch, a senior business administration major, has been selected to serve on the FBLA-PBL Southern Region Action Council.

“I learned about the position by browsing the PBL web site,” Mayra said. “It listed state, regional and national positions. So I filled out the application and sent it in with my resume. Afterward there was a conference call I participated in with the people who decided. That was at six p.m. one evening, and they notified me the next morning that I was accepted!”

During her time in the year-long position, Mayra will attend PBL conferences, where members participate in competitions ranging across topics which include technology, business, and public speaking. Typical conference events include Website Development, Technology Concepts, Accounting I, Management Decision Making, Public Speaking I, and Impromptu Speaking. She will also be involved in conference calls with other student leaders regionally and nationwide to help develop projects aimed at helping improve the organization and helping members develop leadership, communication, and team skills.

Hoch will also participate in the group’s community service work through service organizations such as the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, and the March of Dimes.

“In all my classes I learn from books,” Hoch said, “but experiences like this give me a chance to put into practice all the things I read about.” She added, “When going into the workforce after graduation, the experiences I will am having through PBL and Southern Region Action Council, working with teams, achieving goals, will put me ahead of my peers. I am grateful for the Walton scholarship and my teachers here at Ozarks for helping me find these opportunities.”

The Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a non-profit organization of students as well as professional members who primarily help students transition to the business world. FBLA-PBL is the largest student-run business related organization in the United States of America, with over 253,000 members. Local FBLA-PBL chapters are often connected to their school’s business education department, as they are here at U of O.

The FBLA-PBL Southern Region Action Council is comprised of student leaders from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
