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A.R.C.H Symposium schedule released

April 11, 2013
By cnp
Posted in Student Events

The first annual Advanced Research and Creative Highlights (ARCH) Symposium gets under way Monday, April 15th.

The symposium offers all Ozarks students a chance to showcase their hard work as well as affording the campus community an in depth look into student research. The event, which runs from April 15-18, is divided into three sections: oral presentations, visual arts, and poster presentations.

Prizes will be awarded in four categories: Outstanding, $200 awarded to awarded to the top presentation(s) regardless of discipline; Distinguished, $150 awarded to presenters in a discipline that has not received recognition as Outstanding; Achievement, $100 to be awarded to presenters in any discipline; and Merit, $50 awarded to presenters in any area.

A "People’s Choice" award will also be available. Audience members will be able to provide feedback and vote for their favorites following each section.

Oral presentations will be Monday, April 15 beginning at 6 p.m. in the Rogers Conference Center. Eighteen students will present research and projects from a wide variety of disciplines. There will be three presentations running simultaneously, so everyone is encouraged to map out the presentations they wish to attend in advance.

Visual arts presentations will be displayed in the Seay Student Center Purple and Gold Room on Wednesday, April 17 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Poster presentations will be displayed in the Rogers Conference Center from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 18th.

Fine Arts performances will take place on April 27. Details of the performances will be announced later this month.

A full schedule of events is below.

Oral Presentations - Monday, April 15

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Caitlin Lambert, Sociology "Critiques of Family Relationships in Invader Zim" Dr. Jesse Weiss, Associate Professor of Sociology & Environmental Studies Hanna Room
Ala’a Abu-Rmaileh, Accounting Journey of Discovery: Asperger’s Syndrome Betty Stockton, Coordinator of Autism Spectrum Disorder Services Bruning Room
Lauren Ray, Environmental Studies Activity of Mantled Howler Monkeys Associated with Location Within a Tree Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education Bean Room

Time: 6:20 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Scotti Burnside, Environmental Studies Amazon: Study Abroad Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education Hanna Room
Amanda Rushing, Spanish Organizing the Spanish Country Presentation Dr. Bill Clary, Associate Professor of Spanish Bruning Room
Paul Morgan, Composite Science and Chemistry Mutations Induced by Gamma-radiation on the Wild Type Drosophila melanogaster Dr. Salomón Itzá, Associate Professor of Physics Bean Room

Time: 6:40 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Carlos Ramirez, Marketing and Art Creare’s Promotion Strategy for the University of the Ozarks Deb Sisson, Assistant Professor of Business & Accounting Hanna Room
Alejandro Andino, Biology Honduras, Moldova, and the U.S.: A Comparison of their Healthcare Systems Dr. Sean Coleman, Professor of Biology Bruning Room
Cason Ray, Accounting and Mary Wolfe, Early Childhood Education Opportunities for High School Students to Learn about College Phyllis Johnson, Assistant Professor of Business Education Bean Room

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Tess Montgomery, Biology and Environmental Studies A Pilot Study on Supplemental Dietary Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on Mother’s Milk and Offspring Behavior Dr. Frank Knight, Professor of Biology Hanna Room
Megan Whorton,
Rachel Turner, Tamara Wilkett,
Jessica Robison, Jessica Prater,
Debbie Sosa, Maegan Bell,
and Callie Edwards, Early Childhood Education
Reading Strategies: A Children’s How-To Dr. Michael McManus, Assistant Professor of Education Bruning Room
Melody Cochran, Music Hildegard Von Bingen: The Hidden Treasure of Medieval Europe Dr. Sharon Gorman, Walton Professor of Music & University Organist Bean Room

Time: 7:20 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Elodie Adams, Biology and Secondary Education Investigating Project-Based Inquiry Science in a Middle School Summer Camp Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education Hanna Room
Emily Toombs, Biology Analysis of the Water Quality of the White and Buffalo Rivers Dr. Sean Coleman, Professor of Biology Bruning Room
Andrea Avalos, Physical Education and Strategic Communication The Crossroads of the Fourth Estate: Where Art meets Craft Susan Edens, Director of Broadcasting/RTV Instructor, KUOZ Channel 6 & KUOZ 100.5 Advisor Bean Room

Time: 7:40 p.m.

Presenter Project Title Mentor Location
Alejandro Cordoba, RTV and Strategic Communication Backpack Journalism and Chateau Aux Arc Susan Edens, Director of Broadcasting/RTV Instructor, KUOZ Channel 6 & KUOZ 100.5 Advisor Hanna Room
Glendon Jenkins, Mathematics Basic Computer Programming Dr. Shaymaa Al-Shukri, Assistant Professor of Computer Science Bruning Room
Stephen Adams, Mathematics RSA, Malwares, and Algorithm Dr. Matt Myers, Associate Professor of Mathematics Bean Room

Fine Arts Visual Arts Displays - Wednesday, April 17

Displayed from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Purple and Gold Room, Seay Student Center

Presenter Project Title Mentor Art Display Number
Carlos Ramirez, Marketing and Art Hands of Ozarks Tammy Harrington, Associate Professor of Art A
Elizabeth di Paola, Art and Secondary Education Loving Portraits Tammy Harrington, Associate Professor of Art B
Alejandro Andino, Biology Ozarks, Home We Love Emma Bottorff, Director of Campus Activities and Aerie Yearbook Advisor C
Abby Kern, Art A Sculptural Investigation of Various Aspects of the Human Condition Dawn Holder, Assistant Professor of Art D

Poster Presentations - Thursday, April 18

Displayed from 9:00 a.m. - 7 p.m. in the Rogers Conference Center

Presenter Project Title Mentor Poster Number
Paul Morgan, Composite Science and Chemistry Analysis of the Business Cycle from a Calculus Perspective Robert Wofford, Associate Professor of Business & Economics 1
Glendon Jenkins, Mathematics Schrödinger’s Cat’s Quantum Computation Dr. Matt Myers, Associate Professor of Mathematics 2
Lauren Ray, Environmental Studies Association Between Land Use and Butterfly Diversity Depends on Plant Family Composition Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education 3
Ana Hernandez, Management/Administration and Environmental Studies The Effects of Consumerism in Nature and in the Human Spirit Dr. Douglas Jeffries, Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies 4
Morgan O’Neil, Political Science, English, and Environmental Studies Environmental Ethics from Children’s Literature: A Look into Little House on the Prairie Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education 5
Trent Ueunten, Environmental Studies Distribution and Abundance of Semi-Aquatic Turtles in Johnson County, Arkansas Dr. Kim Van Scoy, Associate Professor of Life Science Education 6
Paul Morgan, Composite Science and Chemistry The Effects of 2-(4-morpholinoanilino)-6-cyclohexylamniopurine (Reversine) on the Regeneration of the Posterior end of the Eisenia fetida Dr. Sean Coleman, Professor of Biology 7
Ana Hernandez, Composite Science and Chemistry The Spark Initiative Project: Teaching the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Dr. Rickey Casey, Professor of Management and Business 8
Katie Kloepfer, Biology A Pedigree Concerning Heart Disease and Cancer for Katie Kloepfer Dr. Sean Coleman, Professor of Biology 9
Olivia Logan, Psychology of Human Behavior The Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy Dr. Joel Hagaman, Assistant Professor of Psychology 10
Will Davenport, Biology E. coli Contamination and its Resistance to Antibiotics and Detected Levels of Triclosan and 17β-Estradiol in the White and Buffalo Rivers Dr. Sean Coleman, Professor of Biology 11
Jacob Brown, Undeclared Disaster and Emergency Preparedness in the Ozarks Outdoors Program Jamie Hedges, Director of Outdoor & Environmental Experiences 12
