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ARCH 2016 sees record number of projects

April 19, 2016
By cnp
Posted in Student Events

A record of more than 50 student projects will be on display during the University of the Ozarks' fourth annual Advanced Research and Creative Highlights (ARCH) Symposium, scheduled for Monday, April 25.

The event, which will be held in the Rogers Conference Center, celebrates the academic and creative achievements of U of O students throughout the academic year. The ARCH symposium includes oral and poster presentations as well as a visual arts category and there are cash prizes for the winning entries.

The poster presentations and visual arts will be on display from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the conference center. Students will be present to discuss their works with both judges and visitors from 1-3 p.m. Oral presentations will take place from 6-8:30 p.m. that evening in the conference center.

The public is invited to attend the event.

"The ARCH Symposium honors students and their original projects and allows them to showcase their efforts," said ARCH coordinator Emma Curry, director of Campus Activities. "This event continues to grow and expand each year and that’s exciting to see."

In the last three years, more than 150 students have participated in the ARCH Symposium and nearly $5,500 has been awarded to students.

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The fourth annual Advanced Research and Creative Highlights (ARCH) Symposium, scheduled for April 25, is an opportunity for U of O students to showcase their academic and creative projects.
