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Annual U of O talent show a success

February 17, 2012
By cnp
Posted in Student Events

U of O showcased some talented student performers on February 10, when the Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted its annual talent show in Ozarks' Rogers Conference Center.

Competing in the show were:

  • Abraham Arias, performing on the violin
  • Ivan Chavez, performing on guitar
  • Tanner Holman, Melody Teo, Bethany Walker, Camden Riley, and Fernando Valenzuela, performing a Coldplay medley
  • Caitlin Lambert, Raphael Luna, and Trent Ueunten, performing a skit and the song "Forget You"
  • Patience Ozura, performing an original song
  • David Pluebell, performing stand-up comedy
  • Tabitha Porter, performing "Ain’t No Other Man"
  • Colton Qualls, performing "Here’s a Quarter"
  • Thomas Riddle, performing "Pray For You"
  • Fernando Salazar and Fernando Valenzuela, performing a ‘guy version’ of Adele’s "Someone Like You"
  • Jennifer Scott, performing ""Don’t Stop Believing"
  • Melody Teo, performing "White Man"
  • Trent Ueunten, performing with glow sticks
  • Riley Young, performing "Dance With You"
  • Riley Young and Alex Chandler, performing "Pumped Up Kicks"

"Here’s the really cool part," said CAB President Alex Chandler. "Every year we do the show, and typically we have a lot of people sign up early. It was really weird this year because we had literally only one person for the first week and a half. Then we put out the email about prizes - $100 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd, and $50 for 3rd - and entries went from 1 to about 15 in a single day. We had all kinds of acts. One group did a Coldplay medley, there was a violin performance and one group did improve. We’d never done a show in the new conference center, so that was great. We figure about 200 people came out for the show. We were happy."

Judging the show were Coach Shaun Wiseman, as well as Heather Dickerson and Debbie Siebenmorgen from the business office. "There are many talented students at this university," said Dickerson. "It was really hard to decide who was best. But in terms of pure talent, we all agreed on the winners."

Songstress Melody Teo, a junior, won 3rd place for her rendition of "White Man," while senior Caitlin Lambert won 2nd for a skit and performance of "Forget You." Junior Trent Ueunten came in at 1st place, with his spirited glow stick performance.

"I learned glow sticking with a group of friends in San Jose, California as a hobby," said Ueunten. "I have been glow sticking since middle school and still practice today. I even got tips from a friend who practices hula, who also practiced poi, a M?ori dance from New Zealand that is the real origin of glow sticking."

The judges also congratulated host Tyler Volz. "It’s a good thing he didn’t compete," said Dickerson. "He was hilarious!"

"We had a blast and so did everyone else," said Chandler. "I’ve worked on six of these shows and this one was hands down the best."
